Proposed New Apartments
1 Great King Street, Dunedin
Proposed new development of a multi-level apartment complex at 1 Great King Street, Dunedin. FDS undertook fire safety design for the building using computer fire simulations & modelling based on Verification Method, C/VM2, framework.
Fire safety design included a cost-effective solution using passive windows in the apartment corridor to enable effective venting of the corridor for any smoke leakage from adjacent apartment on fire.
This ensured passing result and compliance with Building Code fire safety clauses. Location of the corridor louvres had to be carefully chosen considering the prevailing winds in Dunedin. NIWA reports were looked at including average wind speed to ensure the effects of wind speed does not compromise the effectiveness of the passive vents in any fire situation. The louvres were also recessed in about 1.7m shielded from any North-easterlies allowing for effective venting. This approach/ solution provided for cost savings associated with automatic fire sprinklers.